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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 01, 2023


Yes, I know it’s difficult to impossible to avoid China in this domain. That won’t stop me trying. :)

Tapo looks promising. If Frigate is too much for the Pi, I have a couple of retired PCs that could be recommissioned. Thanks for the suggestion.

I’ll check them out. Thanks!

Another new project to consider. Thanks!

Thanks for the suggestion. Amcrest is a new one to me. I’ll check them out.

Amcrest is a new one for me. Doing more research, but thanks for the suggestion.

Amcrest is a new one to me. Thanks for the suggestion.

Thanks for the suggestion. I have a hard time trusting a company that appears to try to hide its country of origin. And I’m not interested in anything made by a Chinese company.

I’m not interested, for numerous reasons, in anything produced by or in China.

I really like the concept of PoE cameras for the same reasons. Given where they’ll be installed, I’d rather only climb onto the roof or into attic crawlspaces once. :)

Private Security Camera
I find that I need a security camera for my back yard. Do you folks recommend any particular makes & models? It should avoid the cloud but record locally. I'm somewhat handy with Linux and a RaspberryPi, if that helps. Thanks!

Yeah, that’s one of the complaints I have about them. Of course, if I need PGP, I prefer to encrypt an attachment myself offline and just send that, so it’s not a dealbreaker in my case.

Out of curiosity, and if you don’t mind my asking, which provider do you use?

Fair question. For everyday, run-of-the-mill, don’t-care-who-sees-it, a postcard is fine; I have a Gmail account for those. For anything more sensitive, I have a couple of Tuta accounts. If it’s truly confidential, I prefer to just say it in person.

For the second time conversing with a Proton apologist, we will simply have to agree to disagree.

There was no wait period when I signed up for their service, but that was several years ago. Things always change.

Other than not requiring a second email address linked to their service, being covered by German rather than Swiss law, actually fighting back against information requests, and not sucking up to the Chinese Communist Party, Tuta is probably fairly similar. Those differences, though, are persuasive.

Always good advice. But at least make the second basket one that you can trust. Proton ain’t it.

Anonymity is an aspect of privacy. Arguably, it is even expected. Proton pat themselves on the back about privacy without being honest about what that includes. They even have a blog post victim-blaming when their “privacy” marketing is shown to be false.

Admittedly, I don’t like Proton. They were far too quick to try to jump in bed with the Chinese Communist Party when Google was kicked out. It left a bad taste. I’ve seen absolutely nothing in the years since to make me question that position.

The point is that Proton, a company that sells privacy, violated that trust, apparently without much of a fight.

The Spanish police didn’t even allege that the person is a terrorist.

I think we’re done here. We’re not even speaking the same language.

Have a nice life.

Its a very clear case that is painted in the story.

Indeed it is. The police asked and Proton provided. Very clear indeed.

At last, something we can agree on.

So there’s no real evidence of Google doing what you accuse them of?

Again, I’m no gigantic fan of Google, but they don’t seem any less reliable than Proton.

Did you read the story? Or are you just here to stir the pot and display your Proton Fanboi bona fides?

This person isn’t a terrorist.

Proton also don’t allow temp addresses.

Can you? Didn’t someone else mention that Proton don’t allow another Proton account?

Which leads to the next logical question: Why not just use Tuta in the first place?

It feels a little like we’re playing Whack-a-Mole with threading multiple email providers here. :)

The handle is a hobby nickname, by the way. My wife started calling me that as a trail name several years ago, and it stuck.

My bad. I thought Tuta also required a verification email when I created an account several years ago. Just tried it, and they don’t appear to these days. Good to know. Thanks.

Spanish police asked for a court order which was apparently easy to get. So yes, for the asking.

I never said I have nothing to hide. I said I don’t trust any online service to keep it a secret. And if it’s really important, I sure as hell won’t send it on a postcard (email).

I don’t. If I have something to share that could get me killed, I send it through an actual secure channel or I just say it in person. Fortunately, I don’t have such important information in my possession. :)

Which was linked to his metadata which was what the police were after in the first place.

Evidence? I’ll stipulate Google’s culpability. I never said that Gmail is better than Proton just that there’s not a lot of difference between them, Proton fanbois’ protestations to the contrary notwithstanding.

Fair point. And if whatever you want to keep private isn’t likely to get you killed, then Proton is probably as good as any.

Clearly, they do collect metadata and share it with police for the asking. Personally, advertising seems the lesser evil.

All good unrelated points.

With Proton’s anti-privacy requirements for establishing service, they don’t deserve anyone’s trust. They’re just a LEO honeypot that charges you to get in. Again, in that regard, you may as well stick with free Google. At least they’re (mostly) honest about what they are.

Yes, as the reporter demonstrated, you have to give them a second email address. Or did I miss your point?

It always has been in Spain. I adore the people and culture, but they’ve always overreacted to Basque and now Catalan independence movements.

And how do you get either of those using a throwaway verification account?

And if they didn’t require that secondary email address or would allow a temporary, they would have had nothing to give in the first place.

Proton aren’t the victim here.

I do not understand why people continue to trust Proton. They seem no better than Gmail from where I sit.