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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 17, 2023


it is not really either app or OS issue, it is more of a workflow data management queation/preference. Some places always want overwrite so you don’t duplicate data

Nah, i used free tier for a year, realized I liked it and wanted to support them so signed up to the unlimited plan. Their hope is to draw more people in that way, rather than a paywall that turns off potential users

I find it has been good, reliable and consistent. Apps are slow to release, but that is ok if that is whar they need to ensure it isn’t a buggy mess. Just hoping they will implement online account integration for GNOME desktop at some point, then it would be full google replacement for me

Not OP, but as a Canadian I have all Proton services, so that is a non-issue

I don’t think that popped up during my install, but I’m on GrapheneOS so probably not even installed. pass works without it so probably google trying to be the boss of the phone

That is umfortunate…for me it has worked perfect with a 1000 file upload from folder, etc. no issues

The email said they have plans for linux app after the windows and mac app. Now we wait…

Per their recent mail a linux sync app is coming after the mac one

Looks like they have it back wards, or they expect you to pay the 24 months in the first 12 months

Limited functions on free tier, and like me, after a year, I joined the paid tier

I got the ad too, then immediately an apology email since I already have unlimited

That sounds like a good deduction

Well that would be frustrating. I haven’t experienced that. But two things that may ne somewhat related.

If I preview a mail and reply, then if the original message did not finish downloading content then it seems temprarily unavailable in my reply. Which I have had same issue in MS Outlook, fairmail etc.

Occasionally hitting reply takes sometime for email chain text to load. initally it appeara missing but show up as I type.

And obviously if I don’t hit load remote content that content is not available.

It is possible it is device related?

Did you try Beta App that may have fixes?