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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


Can activity pub change it’s terms to say that all crawlers that use this must be gnu open sources and all information crawled must be open to the public on gnu open sources software (no crawling to a private enterprise)?

My understanding is all the big tech companies are scared of what happened with router software (openwrt) and they don’t want to be forced to let competition be a foss community via gnu licensing.

I am willing to fiddle: I fried the motherboard’s graphics card on my laptop and I then replaced it by using the manual alone. Does this require fiddling with software? Does it work out of the box? Some motherboard bios will give overclocking(OC) options. Does Libreboot give OC options, RAID drivers, or boot security options (encrypted OS)? If i wanted to take my current Franken-desktop and switch out the BIOS/UEFI and keep the OS, could this do it gracefully?

I am mostly just curious, but I like the idea of increasing the amount of FOSS on my devices.