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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


In my case MIUI (don’t laugh) has an option to do that as well

I have 7.0.58 and also 0 bytes. But once I disabled internet connection for nova completely I got nagging notification about that really fast

Unfortunately it appears to not be updated for the latest versions of Android, but might still be worth looking into

Man, dead project is definitely not worth looking into

well, then i would say not having any other facebook apps and important information that could be stolen by the instagram in the phone, or use it in web-browser in some privacy mode or separate container, something like that. use disposable email.

using wifi in mcdonald is silly advice, i guess you are not being hunted by some secret service, there is really not much somone can do with your ip address, which is most likely dynamic and nated anyway. if you had some fixed ip address that would identify you, that might be another story.

“most private way” and “posting on instagram” are somewhat disjoint sets

The biggest advantage(?) Telegram has is that everything is saved server-side

yeah, having all your secret data on a server you know nothing about is massive advantage 😂

If you can.actually get people to switch, you should look into simplex chat

