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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 15, 2023


I agree with the sentiment, but this is also a silly demand. Of course they do their ama where they have the most reach, and possibly share the info in smaller places such as this.

I dont want everything from the same provider… Proton is still a company looking to make money off me. I use their VPN, use their email. Everything else is fluff in my opinion which they should polish and fully realize first, before adding yet another mediocre service

Aside from what the others said, my VPN (also on GOS) has a kill switch function, i set it to maximum and this way the phone simply can’t connect to the internet at all unless it uses the VPN.

Even more than that I want them to add the windows version functionality to the skeleton that is the Linux VPN client. Seems absurd that I can’t make it remember the login password

Also, please give mailbridge autostart options, I really dont need to see the window at all unless the connection isnt working.

I am also very new to Linux (on a PC, but with a distro that also relies mostly on flatpaks for its software selection). Could you explain what makes them un- or less trustworthy? Or alternatively recommend a link to read? I know next to nothing about the different software distribution methods used on Linux.

Interesting, i didn’t get one myself. Perhaps because I am a somewhat new customer?

I would be happy to, i also want to remind them to provide a themed android app icon for their mail. VPN has it, mail doesn’t, and it drives me crazy.

You might want to provide a link to the survey right here though, I rooted through the video description and comments but no survey in sight.

If it’s just a motion sensor why not use a fucking motion sensor instead? It’s way cheaper than any kind of actual camera, not to mention ones that are able to do facial recognition. Such an obvious lie and poorly thought out excuse

I just keep my posting habits the same as on reddit. I mostly comment on things instead of making posts myself unless I have a specific question, but I also have never paid much attention to how others might think of me from my statements or votes. If someone tries to message me privately to argue something I just block them if I don’t feel like it.

Ultimately this account is not my personal identity and I couldn’t care less what others think of it. I just state what I think on a subject and if that is upvoted, fine, if not who cares.

Its just pretense. Authoritarians want that data, corps want that data, so they push that legislation.