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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 05, 2023


For me I can’t go back to the normal YouTube client. I use freetube on pc and tubular on mobile (EDIT 2: both tubular and newpipe work on mobile now). My biggest thing I love is not getting recommendations from YouTube. I have it set to only pull people I am subscribed to. This has saved me so much time from just scrolling and being like “I could watch that”. Not exactly privacy related but it has saved me countless hours watching something.

Why would you not want it to grow. I would have never cared about my online privacy if I didn’t stumble upon a Lemmy thread on reddit and join. I would have never ditched windows for Linux without Lemmy. I would not have done a lot of things without Lemmy. Saying you don’t want it to grow is dumb if something does not grow it will die. If you don’t want to see there content then block them. You should not be able to decide what others see.

Thanks for list I have been using the GitHub one that I’ve seen passed around :).