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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 22, 2023


It’s likely because of the extra complexity involved in microkernels. Especially like the Hurd, which really didn’t take off because it was too ambitious and Linux was finished faster.

I mean, this sort of thing is good for reaching people. If nobody uses “mainstream” platforms to voice their concerns, how is anyone going to hear them?

They don’t care. We have ring doorbells and everything, no matter how many times I point to examples of these things being used for evil, they just brush it off.

They’re the “I have nothing to hide” and “I don’t care” type. And there’s no convincing them.

I’ll check out this link, though

EDIT: To clarify, I had resisted it and argued against it for a few months before it was actually installed. Using a Pinephone during that time stopped the stupidly invasive thing from working and I wasn’t using my S10e as my main phone for that reason 🤣

My family tried to make me install the Spy360 crap last year.

My GPS spoofer made them regret that 🙂. A few check ins all around the world later (and other chaos) and they basically asked me to uninstall it. Lmao.

It pays to be more tech literate than your parents.

Back on topic, I don’t know very many people who have this thing who actually like it, so idk where the hell this article gets it’s sources…

I’m not sure about mobile stuff, but Windows is very invasive. I remember people talking about how bad Windows 10 was, and it’s just gotten worse.

Some companies sell computers with Linux already on them, so if someone isn’t comfortable with changing their OS, they could try one of them (I think Lenovo does it, but they use Ubuntu so it’s not the best for privacy).

Yeah, and since symettric encryption is usually used for file encryption and stuff like that, I honestly don’t see the point in this.

Aren’t the normal encryption algorithms used today quantum resistant anyways (like AES256)?

I’m all for stronger privacy and security, but this just seems like a gimmick, unless I’m missing something.